Cyber Security Tools
Cyber terrorism is a real and growing threat. Standards and guides have been developed, vetted, and widely accepted to assist with protection from cyber attacks. The Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET) includes a selectable array of these standards for a tailored assessment of cyber vulnerabilities. Once the standards are selected and the resulting question sets answered, the CSET creates a compliance summary, compiled variance statistics, ranked top areas of concern, and generated security recommendations.
Technology Checklist for Businesses
Keeping Your Home Network Secure
Documents and News
2023-01 AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter
2022-07 AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter
2022-04 AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter
2022-01 AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter
Port Facility Cybersecurity Risks Infographic
2019-07 AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter
IMO Cyber Risk Management Guidelines
NRMC – Cybersecurity for Maritime Facilities
2019-04 AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter
USCYBERCOM Cyber Media Report – 14 Nov 2018
US-CERT – Publicly Available Tools Seen in Cyber Incidents Worldwide – Alert (AA18-284A)
AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter 2017-10
A New IoT Botnet Storm is Coming
TLP GREEN – MPS-ISAO Shipboard VSAT System Vulnerabilities 10.20.2017
US CERT Alert APT Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors
AMSC Cyber Security Newsletter 2017-4
DRAFT Cyber NVIC 05-17
Federal Register Volume-32 Number-132 32189
NorCal AMSC Cyber Security News Letter 2017-1
The Year in Cybercrime
CG-5P Policy Letter 08 16 – Reporting Breaches of Security
NorCal AMSC Cyber Security News Letter 2015-1
Ransomware on the Rise 1-20-2015
Law Enforcement Cyber Incident Reporting
Cyber Security Newsletter 2014-1
Cyber Fraud 10-2014
FBI Private Industry Notification 10-2014
Maritime Cybersecurity 10-2014
Maritime Cyber Crime 10-2014